Laura Ann Ditka Service Award Recipients Testimonials - Duquesne University Forensic Science & Law

Laura Ditka put her heart and soul into the work that she did and served others in so many ways. I feel honored to have received an award in memory of a person as inspirational as her. I continue, both in my profession and daily life, to try and exhibit the qualities Laura displayed so easily. This does not go unnoticed when helping a colleague or problem-solving. The positive impact that follows continues to push me to always work harder and better myself. Several people over the years have asked me about the award, which is a great way to explain who Laura was and introduce them to Laura's Light. ~ Ashley Ruddy, MSFSL, Class of 2020, Scientist II, Eurofins PSS Insourcing Solutions


 Laura’s passion for the local community of Pittsburgh inspired me during my pursuit of a forensic science career, especially during my research about the relationships between crime and poverty in Allegheny County. This award both encouraged me to continue my studies and made the dream of working in forensics become a reality. I am now in training as a DNA Analyst in the Tucson Police Department in Arizona and I believe that this award will help so many students in their academic and professional journeys, just like it helped me in mine. “ ~ Odile Enslen, MSFSL, Class of 2022, Criminalist I DNA, Tucson, Arizona Police Department


“To know that one life has breathed easier because you have lived, that is to have succeeded.” This quote by Ralph Waldo Emmerson, taken from Laura’s Light’s webpage, describes Laura’s life eloquently. Laura Ditka was a shining light for many through her time serving as a prosecutor. She was the glimmer of hope that many victims relied on as she tirelessly advocated for women and child victims throughout her many acts of service. Her dedication to the service of others is awe-inspiring. It is people like her that keep my love for service ignited. To be a recipient of this scholarship is an honor that I still carry with me to this day. This organization has inspired me to volunteer as a victims’ advocate at my workplace’s sexual harassment/assault response program. As I progress through my career, I am always cognizant of how I can honor and live Laura’s legacy.  ~ Julianna Firek, MSFSL, Class of 2023, Chemist, The Department of Homeland Security

2024 Cribs for Kids - Laura Ditka Service Award for Advocacy & Service

Each year in Pittsburgh, Cribs for Kids hosts the Women of Achievement Awards honoring exemplary women in the Pittsburgh region. This event highlights their amazing work within their fields and communities.

On March 27, 2024, Cribs for Kids recognized 20 Women of Achievement, 2 National Women of Achievement, and 6 Junior Women of Achievement at the 17th Annual Women of Achievement Awards.

2024 Laura Ditka Award for Advocacy and Service recipient is Laura Ley Carlson, Allegheny Health Network.

In 2019, the Laura Ditka Award for Advocacy and Service was introduced in memory of Laura Ditka, who unexpectedly passed away in October 2018 at the age of 55. Laura Ditka was a Woman of Achievement in 2008 for child advocacy.  Her life revolved around serving others as she dedicated her life to public service, law enforcement, and supporting victims. 

Laura spent her legal career as a prosecutor serving for 25 years in the Allegheny County District Attorney’s office, before joining the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s office as supervisor of the western region criminal division. In her honor, the Laura Ditka Award for Advocacy and Service will be awarded each year at this event.  Laura will always be an example of an inspirational Woman of Achievement.

Shine a Light Fundraising Event

November 17, 2023

Blueberry Hill Park, Pittsburgh

Laura’s Light held an annual Fall fundraising event “Shine a Light” at Blueberry Hill Park, Pittsburgh. The fundraising event was a chance for the community to learn more about Laura’s Light's mission of continuing Laura Ditka’s legacy of supporting victims of child abuse, sexual assault, and domestic violence. The cocktail party event benefitted Duquesne University’s Forensic Science and Law’s Laura Ann Ditka Service Award. Because of the generosity of the community, we were able to donate $2500 toward the scholarship. (Please see testimonials below from previous award winners)

Thank you to our sponsors:


Laura Ditka put her heart and soul into the work that she did and served others in so many ways. I feel honored to have received an award in memory of a person as inspirational as her. I continue, both in my profession and daily life, to try and exhibit the qualities Laura displayed so easily. This does not go unnoticed when helping a colleague or problem-solving. The positive impact that follows continues to push me to always work harder and better myself. Several people over the years have asked me about the award, which is a great way to explain who Laura was and introduce them to Laura's Light. ~ Ashley Ruddy, MSFSL, Class of 2020, Scientist II, Eurofins PSS Insourcing Solutions

“ Laura’s passion for the local community of Pittsburgh inspired me during my pursuit of a forensic science career, especially during my research about the relationships between crime and poverty in Allegheny County. This award both encouraged me to continue my studies and made the dream of working in forensics become a reality. I am now in training as a DNA Analyst in the Tucson Police Department in Arizona and I believe that this award will help so many students in their academic and professional journeys, just like it helped me in mine. “ ~ Odile Enslen, MSFSL, Class of 2022, Criminalist I DNA, Tucson, Arizona Police Department

“To know that one life has breathed easier because you have lived, that is to have succeeded.” This quote by Ralph Waldo Emmerson, taken from Laura’s Light’s webpage, describes Laura’s life eloquently. Laura Ditka was a shining light for many through her time serving as a prosecutor. She was the glimmer of hope that many victims relied on as she tirelessly advocated for women and child victims throughout her many acts of service. Her dedication to the service of others is awe-inspiring. It is people like her that keep my love for service ignited. To be a recipient of this scholarship is an honor that I still carry with me to this day. This organization has inspired me to volunteer as a victims’ advocate at my workplace’s sexual harassment/assault response program. As I progress through my career, I am always cognizant of how I can honor and live Laura’s legacy.  ~ Julianna Firek, MSFSL, Class of 2023, Chemist, The Department of Homeland Security

Light Up Ohio University - Luminary Fundraiser

Laura's Light, a non-profit organization that supports survivors of sexual violence, will host its annual "Light Up OU" luminary fundraiser on Saturday, October 7th from 7:00 pm to midnight at Scripps Amphitheater on the campus of Ohio University.

Proceeds from the event will benefit the OU Survivor Advocacy Program's Emergency Fund, which provides financial assistance to student survivors of sexual violence. The fund can be used to cover a variety of expenses, such as medical bills, rent, new mobile phone costs, and safety measures.

"We are excited to host our inaugural ‘'Light Up OU' fundraiser this year," said Claire Miskel Fetters, Chairman of Laura's Light and Class of 1985. "This event is a great way to raise awareness about sexual violence on college campuses and to support the OU Survivor Advocacy Program in its important work."

The OU Survivor Advocacy Program provides a variety of services to student survivors of violent crime, including crisis support, counseling, and legal advocacy. The program also works to educate the OU community about sexual assault and other forms of violence against women.

"We are grateful to Laura's Light for hosting the 'Light Up OU' luminary fundraiser," said Kimberly Rouse, Director of the OU Survivor Advocacy Program. "The proceeds from this event will help us to continue providing essential services to student survivors of violent crime."

Everyone is invited to purchase luminaries to support the event. Each luminary represents a survivor of sexual assault.  Luminaries can be purchased for $20 online at Laura's Light OU Fundraiser

 through October 5th. Luminaries will be lit at 7:00 pm on October 7th and will remain lit until midnight.

"We hope that the community will join us for 'Light Up OU' to show their support for survivors of sexual violence," said Fetters. "Together, we can make a difference."

About Laura’s Light:  

The mission of Laura’s Light is to initiate and support programs and organizations that protect and support victims of child abuse, sexual assault, and domestic violence.   Founded in memory of Laura Ditka (Class of 1985), a prominent prosecutor in Pittsburgh, who was one person, one woman, who made a profound difference in the lives of people who needed an ally to stand with them and for them.  Throughout her 30-year legal career, Ms. Ditka went to trial on a staggering 160 child abuse cases.  

Nearly every aspect of Laura Ditka’s life revolved around serving others, whether as a public prosecutor advocating for better protocols and training in child abuse cases or as a mentor to law students.  But more importantly, Laura made sure everyone around her felt cared for and nurtured. Laura’s Light carries that focus of nurturing through allied partnerships with organizations supporting survivors, supporting scholarships and grants, sponsoring the “Force of Nurture Award” and educational speakers programs, and initiating the Laura’s Light Cares Kits for survivors of sexual assault.   

To learn more about Laura’s Light, get involved, and donate, visit

Contact:  Claire Fetters (Chi Omega, Ohio University ‘85),

 About The Ohio University Survivor Advocacy Program:

The Survivor Advocacy Program is a confidential resource for Ohio University student survivors and co-survivors of dating/domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault, and sexual harassment. The program staff are all licensed as social workers and have extensive training and experience with survivors of interpersonal violence. 

Since joining the Division of Student Affairs in 2016, the Survivor Advocacy Program has provided crucial support to over 500 student survivors and co-survivors in over 6,000 documented interactions.

Cribs for Kids Announces Laura Ditka Award for Advocacy & Service

Cribs for Kids, a Pittsburgh-based non-profit whose mission is to ensure safe sleep for babies, recently held its annual Women of Achievement Awards. This yearly event features dynamic women from around the nation and the Junior Women of Achievement. This year’s winner of the Laura Ditka Award for Advocacy & Service was Sherry Jo Matt. Learn more about the award and Sherry Jo below.

In 2008, Laura Ditka was honored at this event and also served as emcee throughout the coming years.

In 2019, Cribs for Kids changed the name of their most prestigious national honor to the Laura Ditka Award for Advocacy & Service, giving it to her posthumously. This is the introduction of the award initially shown in 2019. And, here is a peek into the 2019 event.

On March 2, 2023, Sam and Anthony Ditka, Laura’s Light Board Members, had the honor of presenting this year’s award to Sherry Jo Matt of Stop the Judgement Project (STJP). Sherry Jo lost her daughter, Siena, to mental health and addiction in 2020. In the throes of her grief, Sherry Jo hoped to prevent the loss of even one more child and founded STJP, to create awareness of the stigma behind mental health and substance abuse disorders.

Sam Ditka nominated Sherry Jo because of the strong connection between the families, not only did their kids grow up together, Siena first reported a sexual assault to Laura Ditka several years ago. Siena also was a client of PAAR (Pittsburgh Action Against Rape) on Laura’s recommendation.

Please enjoy the award’s presentation and acceptance speech.

It is an honor to have Laura’s Light, Cribs for Kids, and STJP connected.

TribLive Article

Let Laura's Light Shine Fundraising Event

Family with local and longtime friends of Laura Ditka, a prominent prosecuting attorney in Allegheny County who passed away suddenly in 2018, have come together to establish a non-profit in her honor and introduced Laura’s Light.  

An inaugural fundraising event “Let Laura’s Light Shine” was held on October 7th in Wexford.  The cocktail party event featured an online auction and a special video interview presentation with Dr. Cyril Wecht.  Through the generosity of the community, Laura’s Light presented a check to Duquesne University Forensic Science and Law for the Laura Ann Ditka Service Award.  This award is granted to graduate students of the FSL Program who demonstrate service to others.  Dr. Pamela Marshall, Director, and Associate Teaching Professor, Forensic Science, and Law founded the award and accepted the check on behalf of the scholarship.

Laura Ditka Memorial Award for Advocacy (2020)

2020 - Award winner, Stephanie Fox, PMP, CSSGB,EMC: Center for Victims

Stephanie Fox is an inspirational leader who tells stories that inspire action while at the same time is grounded in financial information that levers the business. She is respected as a credible voice in decision-making, finding strategic financing partners, and establishing governance boundaries.

In 2019, we introduced the Laura Ditka Award for Advocacy and Service in memory of Laura Ditka, who unexpectedly passed away in October 2018 at the age of 55. Laura Ditka was a Woman of Achievement in 2008 for child advocacy.  Her life revolved around serving others as she dedicated her life to public service, law enforcement, and supporting victims.  Laura spent her legal career as a prosecutor serving for 25 years in the Allegheny County District Attorney’s office, before joining the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s office as supervisor of the western region criminal division.

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Laura Ditka Memorial Award for Advocacy of Women and Children

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Wednesday, March 13, 2019 Cribs for Kids® National Infant Safe Sleep Initiative announced the creation of the Laura Ditka Memorial Award for Advocacy of Women and Children at their Women of achievement gala. Anthony Ditka accepted the award on behalf of his sister and spoke beautifully of how important it always was to Laura to champion the most vulnerable of our world, the children. View his speech here.

In coming years, we will partner with this organization to select one woman, nationwide, who exemplifies the standards of advocacy that Laura did.

We miss her every day. The videos below were a bittersweet reminder of who we lost and what she meant to not just our family, but the world.

Go be bigger. Be fearless. Be a protector. And Stand.

14th Annual Women of Achievement Award